Research Areas

generative AI, language modeling, natural language processing,
hypergraph & graph deep learning, theoretical machine learning,
computational finance & quantitative trading,
search, ranking, recommendation

Select Papers

Modeling Financial Uncertainty with Multivariate Temporal Entropy-based Curriculums | Paper | Code
Ramit Sawhney*, Arnav Wadhwa*, Ayush Mangal, Vivek Mittal, Shivam Agarwal, Rajiv Shah

37th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2021)

TEC: A Time Evolving Contextual Graph Model for Speaker State Analysis in Political Debates | Paper | Code
Ramit Sawhney*, Shivam Agarwal*, Arnav Wadhwa, Rajiv Ratn Shah

30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2021), Montreal, Quebec. Long Paper [Acceptance Rate = 13.9%]

Hyperbolic Online Time Stream Modeling | Paper | Code
Ramit Sawhney*, Shivam Agarwal*, Megh Thakkar*, Arnav Wadhwa, Rajiv Shah

44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2021), Short Paper

Quantitative Day Trading From Natural Language Using Reinforcement Learning | Paper | Code
Ramit Sawhney*, Arnav Wadhwa*, Shivam Agarwal, Rajiv Ratn Shah

2021 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2021), Mexico City, Mexico. Long Paper

Exploring the Scale-Free Nature of Stock Markets: Hyperbolic Graph Learning for Algorithmic Trading | Paper | Code
Ramit Sawhney*, Shivam Agarwal*, Arnav Wadhwa, Rajiv Ratn Shah

30th The Web Conference (WWW 2021), Ljubljana, Slovenia. Full Paper [Acceptance Rate = 20.6%]

FAST: Financial News and Tweet Based Time-Aware Network for Stock Trading | Paper | Code
Ramit Sawhney*, Arnav Wadhwa*, Shivam Agarwal, Rajiv Ratn Shah

The 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2021), Kyiv, Ukraine. Full Paper [Acceptance Rate = 24%]

Stock Selection via Spatiotemporal Hypergraph Attention Network: A Learning to Rank Approach | Paper | Code
Ramit Sawhney*, Shivam Agarwal*, Arnav Wadhwa, Tyler Derr, Rajiv Ratn Shah

The 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021). Full Paper [Acceptance Rate = 21%]

An Object Detection Approach for Detecting Damages in Heritage Sites using 3-D Point Clouds and 2-D Visual Data | Paper
Rachna Pathak, Anil Saini, Arnav Wadhwa, Himanshu Sharma, Dhiraj Sangwan

The Journal of Cultural Heritage, Elsevier (2021) [Acceptance Rate = 13.5%]

GPolS: A Contextual Graph-Based Language Model for Analyzing Parliamentary Debates and Political Cohesion | Paper | Code
Ramit Sawhney, Arnav Wadhwa, Shivam Agarwal, Rajiv Ratn Shah 

The 2020 International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020), Barcelona, Spain. Long Paper [Acceptance Rate = 35.3%]

Outstanding paper award winner & Best paper nominee

Deep Attentive Learning for Stock Movement Prediction From Social Media Text and Company Correlations | Paper | Talk | Code
Ramit Sawhney*, Shivam Agarwal*, Arnav Wadhwa, Rajiv Ratn Shah

The 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2020), Dominican Republic. Long Paper [Acceptance Rate = 24.6%]

Spatiotemporal Hypergraph Convolution Network for Stock Movement Forecasting | Paper | Code
Ramit Sawhney, Shivam Agarwal, Arnav Wadhwa, Rajiv Ratn Shah

The 20th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2020), Sorrento, Italy. Regular Paper [Acceptance Rate = 9.7%]

More exciting work coming soon!
Connect with my Google Scholar profile for updates.